Start Getting Rid of Stretch Marks Even After Giving Birth

Being new mothers mean meeting new challenges – including getting rid of stretch marks after giving birth!  Unfortunately, removing stretch marks is not as easy erasing marks on a paper.

Stretch marks, what are they?

Pregnancy entails different bodily changes. As the baby grows, so does your belly.  The skin over your expanding tummy stretches to accommodate your larger body.  Although the skin is fairly flexible and elastic, there are instances that it is overstretched resulting to collagen and elastin (both are proteins that make up the skin tissue) disruption resulting to skin being damaged and torn.

The consequence comes in the form of white stripes called stretch marks.  Another cause of stretch marks is hormonal changes that accompany during periods of growth.  Pregnancy is one such period.  Production of glucocorticoid hormones from the adrenal glands increases while pregnant.

The presence of glucocorticoids is a big factor in stretch marks. Glucocorticoids inhibit the production of fibroblasts, the cells that secrete collagen and elastin.  With lesser collagen and elastin available, the skin is weaker and unable to cope with excessive pulling and stretching, thus, stretch marks develop.  Stretch marks are often seen in areas where you gained the most weight such as your tummy, hips, arms, and thighs.

Possible Treatments

Shed the Excess Weight – Do nothing to treat the stretch marks but do lose the weight.  There are pregnant women whose stretch marks faded after losing the baby weight.  Unfortunately not many of us are this lucky.

Laser Therapy – A popular cosmetic surgical method, which uses laser to remove the topmost, scarred layer of the skin.  Eventually, with repeated application, the underlying and healthier skin cells beneath will surface.  Results will vary on skin tone and color and age of patient.  Chemical peels work in the same manner with the exception of the use of acids in removing the scarred skin.

Laser Resurfacing – This is the latest in surgical stretch mark removal involving the application of light pulses serving as guide for the laser over a series of treatments.  In between the treatment sessions the body is allowed to heal as collagen and elastin production over the area that was hit with the laser is stimulated.

Vitamins – Increase intake of food high in vitamins A, C, and E that are all essential in collagen and elastin production.

Water Therapy – Drink lots of water to rehydrate and moisten your skin.

Other Ingredients – Essential fatty oils such as squalene oil in fish also result glowing skin.

Exfoliate – Exfoliate to promote circulation of blood in area marred with stretch marks.  The more blood flowing in the area, the more likely proper healing will take place lessening the scar formation.

Stretch Mark Products – Lotions, creams and body oils.  Reported effective topical preparations in treating stretch marks include retinoids and alpha hydroxy acids.  While pregnant, one can apply a cream made of Centella asiatica extract, vitamin E, and collagen-elastin hydrolysates to supposedly effectively minimize stretch marks.  Natural body oils like jojoba and wheatgerm oils not only soothe the skin but the massaging action promotes blood circulation to affected areas.

September 7, 2009 at 2:29 pm Leave a comment

Preventing Stretch Marks

Would you like to know how to prevent stretch marks? Preventing stretch marks are not so hard to find these days. However, most buyers would like to know which products work for them and which do not. The first thing you should do, therefore, is do your due diligence.

It’s always best to opt for a natural way when trying to prevent stretch marks. There are a lot of creams in the market that contain only natural ingredients. This is especially important when one is pregnant. And remember that cheap is not always best. You may have to pay top dollar to get a the top of the line stretch mark remover product. Of course, it doesn’t end there. To be able to make the right product choice, you would also have to read independent reviews and find out what other consumers say about the effectiveness of a particular stretch mark cream.

July 23, 2008 at 1:19 pm Leave a comment

You Can Prevent Stretch Marks During Pregnancy

Some people may advise you that there is nothing you can do to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy simply because stretch marks are hereditary. Just the thought however of avoiding having to wear your bikini to the beach and hiding your skin for the rest of your life should motivate you to look for a way to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy.

Discipline Yourself

If you want to avoid stretch marks during pregnancy, then watch your weight. This may not completely prevent stretch marks during pregnancy but it can result in fewer marks. The bigger your tummy grows, the more likely it will be for stretch marks to develop.

It is wrong to think that you can eat as much as you want because you are now feeding both yourself and your baby. You should instead follow ideal diet requirements from your doctor that will not starve you or your baby but will also result in just gaining a little over 25 extra lbs. You can also perform pregnancy exercises to make sure that you keep to your ideal weight.

Do Not Scratch

Aside from disciplining yourself on the aspect of food and exercise, you should also discipline your fingers. Some doctors will not tell you that stopping yourself from scratching your belly can help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy. This is probably because there is no clear explanation why scratching can sometimes make stretch marks worse.

It is possible though that aggressively scratching your belly can promote further internal skin tissue tearing since your skin is already too stretched and already on the verge of tearing. You can prevent stretch marks during pregnancy by soothing an itch with some powder, oil or a gentle belly rub.

Keep Moisturized

You can also help prevent stretch marks during pregnancy by keeping your belly sufficiently moisturized. It is possible that your inner skin can tear even more quickly if it is dry and inelastic owing to a lack of moisture. You should drink a lot of water for natural moisture but you can also use a natural product to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy that is safe for pregnant women to use.

Pick a Safe Product

Another way of preventing stretch marks during pregnancy is to use a good product approved by your doctor. You can list down some ingredients of product names you want to use and show that list to your doctor before buying and using these. The safe products are often those that carry all natural ingredients. The logic behind natural based products is that they contain ingredients that are already naturally occurring in nature or in the body which therefore limits the chances of producing side effects.

Don’t Always Go for Budget Deals

You need not use high-end skin products but be wary also of those that are too cheap. Pick a product that is not too expensive but also does not have rock bottom prices. Prices are often a reflection of how much research effort and quality ingredients have gone into a product mixture.

Stretch mark prevention is never more than the best treatment away. Discover how you can prevent stretch mark during pregnancy now!

July 23, 2008 at 1:18 pm Leave a comment


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